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Tomball High School


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Aside from the level of musical literature, each ensemble at Tomball High School focuses on the same fundamental skills. While student placement in ensembles is primarily based upon skill level, several other factors are taken into consideration such as leadership skills, work ethic, and dedication. Directors take great time and consideration when placing students into their ensembles and no one is more qualified to place students into ensembles than the director of those ensembles. 
Sinfonietta: is made up of students with zero or more years of playing experience. Students participating in this ensemble will increase their level of musicianship by focusing on ensemble skills, reading skills, musicality, and rehearsal skills. Sinfonietta orchestra members may participate in concerts throughout the year. These students may be required to attend after rehearsals prior to upcoming performances.
Concert & Concert Red Orchestras:  made up of students with one or more years of playing experience. Students participating in this ensemble will increase their level of musicianship by focusing on ensemble skills, reading skills, musicality, and rehearsal skills. These students may participate in concerts throughout the year including UIL Concert & Sightreading Evaluation. Concert orchestra members may participate in UIL Solo & Ensemble. These students may be required to attend after school sectionals and rehearsals.
Philharmonic Orchestra: is made up of students with one or more years of playing experience. Students participating in this ensemble will increase their level of musicianship by focusing on ensemble skills, reading skills, musicality, and rehearsal skills. These students will participate in all concerts throughout the year including UIL Concert & Sight-reading Evaluation. Philharmonic orchestra members will also participate in UIL Solo & Ensemble and are strongly encouraged to audition for the All Region Orchestra.
In addition, these students will be required to attend weekly sectionals and/or after school rehearsals.   
Chamber Orchestra: features students who demonstrate a high level of musical proficiency on their instruments. Acceptance into this ensemble is based upon prior performance and leadership skills. Members should also demonstrate an elevated sense of pride and dedication to the Tomball Orchestra Program. Students participating in this ensemble will participate in all scheduled concerts throughout the year along with UIL Concert & Sightreading Evaluation. Chamber Orchestra members will participate in UIL Solo & Ensemble as well as audition for All Region Orchestra.   
In addition, these students are required to attend weekly sectionals and/or after school rehearsals.
Full Orchestra: features students who demonstrate a high level of musical proficiency on their instruments. Acceptance into this ensemble is based upon prior performance and leadership skills. Members should also demonstrate an elevated sense of pride and dedication to the Tomball Orchestra Program. Students participating in this ensemble will participate in all scheduled concerts throughout the year along with UIL Concert & Sightreading Evaluation. Chamber Orchestra members will participate in UIL Solo & Ensemble. Students in this ensemble are  a mixture of Chamber and Philharmonic members. All rehearsals for this ensemble are held outside of the school day.